Hello everyone
My bloodcount went up over 10 times yesterday, and so here I am getting prepared for chemo, at NBMC right now. We camped again under the stars last night, Ken set up the telescope and we all had a great look at the moon. Jaime, her kids, Josh and Ken and I played music and it was so much fun. Jaime has a lab the same age as Chewy, named Cosmic, and the two of them ran around and around, and down in the pond and back up just long enough to shake on us all. Rex, our older dog, just barked at the two of them every few minutes as it to say "quit it you whippersnappers, yer gunna take an eye out or something" "bark bark" It is so much fun to camp where no one else is.
I feel to day is the last day I will insult my body. From here on in I am going to compliment it everyday. I am not going to poison it with chemicals that might damage it. I feel certain that my cancer is in some way caused by something in the food I have eaten, or something in the water I have drank, or something in the air I have breathed.
So I am going to eat only foods that are organic, I have already ridded myself of any teflon type of cook ware, I am going to look further into our water supply, as we are on well water. There are several cranberry bogs in the vicinity of our house, and I am going to find out where the chemicals that are sprayed on the cranberries end up. ?? in our well??
I am going to be as kind to my body as I possibly can. I am going to floss more, wear sunscreen more, wear my seatbelt as much, learn how to meditate when life is making me anxious, stretch before I exercize, and to GRADUALLY increase my running, when I get to that.
I am going to learn to use the ear bud thing on my cell phone.
I am going to love my husband as much and more than I always have.
One day I am going to have a massage, and another day I am going to have a sauna.......and see how they go. I am going to start making my own bread. I am going to try to start to write more songs (this I have had a hiatus from for almost a year). I am going to eat more ginger, turmuric and garlic, I am going to also eat more asparagus, spinach and dark greens. I am going to eat less cheese, drink less milk, and only eggs that come from grass fed chicken. I will eat even less meat than I have and absolutely no cured meats such as ham, and sausage etc. I will eat MORE fish and seafood. I will make at effort at least twice a week to eat fish. I will spend more nights staring at the night sky, it gives me persective.
I am going to become a paranoid neurotic for the next two years, and I am going to try hard to be a patient instead of a doctor when it comes to my own health, and ask someone else about everything I am feeling.
I might get a tattoo.
And right now I am going to thank so much all the people who follow this blog, it means so much for me to write this stuff down and it means so much more to know that someone is reading and as a medical provider, it means the world to me to know that some people actually benefit from my blog.
I will continue to post this blog and keep you informed of this final stage.
I am booked for a chest and abdomen/pelvist ct scan in two weeks. This will be very reassuring for me.
Ken is going to make me an organic sandwich in the van, with tomatoes from our garden.
Isn't he special
Love and peace
Janet Bates
jankenb @ gmail.com
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