Monday, August 3, 2009

chemo cancelled

Hello everyone
Ken and I got up and packed for a day of chemo, computers movies, snacks, crossword puzzles etc, and..... my blood counts were too low, so I was unable to get chemo today. My absolute neutrophil count was 1200 and the lowest they will give chemo is at 1500. My blood count has been this low and lower, but not on the day of chemo, so this is the first time they have had to cancel. We are rescheduled for Wednesday and I am certain it will be fine then. 
You see the monocyte count on todays bloodwork was high, but that is not what they are looking for, however the monocyte count goes up the day before the neutrophil count goes up, so it will be up soon.
So I guess Ken and I will just go picking chantarelles for the day instead. This will make the appointment in Eugene tomorrow much better.
I guess I was afraid that this would happen. Ken and I have a big trip planned up to Canada at the end of chemo. I have worked it out that we could leave about 3 weeks after last chemo. We have Ken's ER shifts organized and my hospitalist schedule organized, so it would be a real pain if we have any more delays.
I made a birthday cake to bring in today, it is basically zucchini bread/cake with turmeric and ginger. I wrote on it "and many more......"
So I guess we will just eat it.  
Anyways it is a disapointment, but it was inevitable that at least one would likely be delayed.
love and peace
Janet Bates 
jankenb @
PS I am going to post a video of the concert the other night here when Ken gets around to reducing it to a size that fits on blogspot

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