Wednesday, March 25, 2009

all shall be revealed today

Hello everyone today is the day.
Important bits, PET scan AND the chemo. I guess it will be good to find out how chemo goes, but the other REALLY big this is to make certain I tolerate it.
Carbotaxim and taxol have currently been determined to be the best drugs for me for this situation. So I am hoping I will not need to compromise. 
Busy morning first watching Ken eat, then off for PET scan. I first get my infusion of radioactive dye combined with glucos......and then have to wait while it infuses. She said to bring along an ipod or something. They do not want me to do anything interesting so that the stuff does not concentrate in my brain. She said no crosswords, or good books. Not sure if music is a good option for me. And my cooking magazines, the stuff will just concentrate in my stomach. ....writing songs is out...
At 11 or so I get a ct scan with barium to swallow and IV dye. That should only take a few minutes and then on to eating leftover pizza from last night, that I had to watch Ken eat (he was kind enough to get two)

I think chemo infusion starts at 12:30 or 1:00
Beth has told me about a friend who wore a bathing cap to infusions and did not lose her hair, a medical journal called this the tourniquet method. (guess it is better than a tourniquet round the neck)  So I got a swim cap and another cool hat (to cover up the cap) Would not want to appear vain in the infusion group. In some ways I think the only reason I am doing all this to keep my hair is that it is SOMETHING I can do. I guess for everything else, much seems predetermined. I cannot change the past and as for the treatments, I am leaving them all  up to the doctors (yes I am too)
So doing stuff with hair is something I can do, and it is a distraction from the matter at hand. I remember when I used to deliver babies, the father always looked somewhat lost, wanting so much to help in any way. So I would find things for them to do, and they always clung onto each chore like it was  gift I was throwing their way.

I feel I am extremely fortunate for all the people who are thinking of me, I feel blessed, and Ken just makes every step so much easier. (Such a gem)
I feel lucky that I do not NEED to work right now, I would like to go back as soon as my blood count looks good, because I find trying to make sense of other peoples medical issues really feels good for me by all means now is the time if have a medical question, feel free to ask it.  It takes my mind off me.

Financially this will not ruin us, as it would for so many Americans in this situation. So lets all hope that someday, the US will have that same luxury that their neighbours to the north have.  Although I am not prone to feelings of  patriotism, I am proud that any Canadian would get what I will be getting and will be able to pocket the 20 grand or so we will be paying.

I am not afraid, I just want the show to get on the road.
Gail McClave generously offered to work Thursday  night for Ken, so we may stay over in Eugene until Thursday.
Love and peace to all

I will try to write tonite
Janet Bates
My email is     Feel free to write, I love getting emails

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