Sunday, April 11, 2010

oops I did it again

Just wanted to say, that all the bleeding seems to have stopped, I seem to be doing great this week.
I am still booked for colonoscopy on wednesday though, guess I should ......
I am continuing to work towards the marathon, I guess there is this idea in me that if I can run a marathon, then I MUST be healthy.
I feel stronger each week, yesterday I ran 11 miles, and it was not that hard. The only hard part was my right foot which goes numb the further I go, and then gradually starts burning. The last mile and a half we very painful
The burning stopped as soon as I stopped. I think this is the peripheral neuropathy from the chemo, my big toe is always numb.
I am thinking this may hinder the higher distances, so am "researching" what I can do. I am wearing the whole leg garment on my right leg for the lymph edema, and I wonder if perhaps that is part of the problem, so next time I am going to take off the compression garment for the last few miles.
I am still looking at the extremely long row of peas that are up in my garden, wondering if I will be able to eat them (for some reason this is one of the hardest parts for me) I absolutely love peas and I grow them so that Ken and I can go every day and eat them in the garden.

During my long run yesterday I thought many times how lucky I really am, and to come to terms with dietary modifications. After all, what would it be like to be diabetic?
Our little band, Ken, Mark and me have been together now for ?? 5 years. We have really developed a great sound, and work very well together. We have also been through a lot. Mark and I have both been through a life threatening situation in the past several years, his more of a cardiac situation and of course mine a cancer. We have both had losses.
A few days ago I was telling Mark about hearing a song on my run that day, and that we should practice that song. He said how he used to love the way the mind works when you are running, and how much he missed running. He has recently started cycling and hopes to do more of that.
Both of our "situations" became apparent rather suddenly and both soon after a performance.
His situation was that we had performed at Cosmic Pizza sunday night and a few days later he was in ICU, mine was that we had performed at Agate street grill and with in a couple of weeks I was having radical surgery. It took him months to get back to just walking and now he has long walks every day. Me, I am.
I think I can speak for him here, but I do think that the music was there for both of us when it seemed that so much else was gone. I was going to trash the cd as I did not have the energy to finish it when I was on chemo, but then I decided it was at least something positive to be doing when everything else was negative.
Now I feel badly whining about my dietary restrictions, when at least I can run, and we all have the music.
Anyways, some times I wonder if I explain things very well, you have a feeling and when you try to put it in words it just gets lost.
I am feeling great today.
My only whoops is that I transplanted my tomatoes in the garden AGAIN, only to find out that Eugene's average last frost is April 23 ......
It IS a good thing that I have a few hundred tomato plants started, I may need them all.
bye for now
I just HAD to share this picture
Love Janet
jankenb @

Love Janet
jankenb @

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